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15g fresh yeast or dried yeast
150m- 175 ml water
400g plain flour
pinch of salt
50g butter
1 - 1 1/2 tsp crashed aninseed
200g caster sugar


Cream the yeast in water, sieve the flour and salt into a bowl, rub in the butter and add the sugar and ainseed make a well and add the yeast and water at least 150ml water is used but adjust this quantity to the flour, bring the mixture together, then turn on a work surface and knead until you have a pliable bread like dough, return to bowl and prove in a warm place covered, until doubled in bulk, this will take longer then bread as the sugar retards the rising,return the dough to work surface, knead briefly to knock it back, form into 4 elongated cakes and bake on a tray at 200c/400f/gas6 until cooked through, approximately 20 mins. allow to cool overnight, cut each cake into thin slices lay out on a try and bake at 180c/ 350f/ gas4, until crisp and golden checking frequently that they do not catch, cool on a wire rack

